10 Benefits of using Push Back Racking

Push Back Racking


Push back racking may be a relatively new storage solution but an increasing amount of companies are beginning to enjoy the benefits they provide to their facilities. This is especially true for organisations that consistently need to store large and/or heavy loads. If you are considering installing push back racking, here are 10 benefits of using the system to help you make a more informed decision.

  1. Larger capacity

The ideal scenario for any storage facility is being able to increase capacity without significantly using up valuable floor space. Push back racking is used by an increasing amount of businesses for that reason, thanks to the unique design that offers more storage space without impacting on layout. They are ideal for items that cannot be stored on racks or pallets for whatever specific reason. It also means less work for the forklift, while also keeping floors and aisles clearer and safer too.

  1. Easier access

The open design of push back racking makes it much easier for forklifts to get to the items they need quickly and effectively. This is because when new products are put in place, the existing items are moved up the incline to create space for a fresh load to arrive. The efficiency this adds to the process is significant, as there is no need to reorganise or remove items to make space. Travel time for the forklift driver is also cut down, speeding up product retrieval.

  1. Improved inventory control

Push back racking allows you to use a โ€˜last in, first outโ€™ (LIFO) system that also improves inventory control. The ability to rotate stock efficiently means sell-by dates on time sensitive products are not missed and costly losses can be avoided. Every vertical pick is also able to face a different item type or SKU, allowing for great selectivity. This broadens the product type being chosen and prevents the same products being relied on consistently.

  1. Lower maintenance

A key consideration that must be given before the installation of a new storage unit are the levels of repair and maintenance potentially required. Installing push back racking will usually mean less money has to be spent on repairs and maintenance when compared to roller racking. There are no concerns about rollers becoming stuck or products getting trapped in the system. Drive in racking also tends to suffer from a high amount of collision-related repairs โ€“ an issue push back racking rarely has to be concerned about.

  1. Diverse compatibility

If you are using a specific pallet dimension this cannot be overlooked when shopping around for a new storage system. The last thing you need after installation is to find the system is not fit for purpose. Another great benefit of push back racking is that it can be configured to suit any number of pallet sizes, given you more flexibility as a business and allowing you to take on a wider range of pallet sizes if required.

  1. Easy installation

Of course, much will depend on the size and overall dimensions of the facility, along with any complexities involved with getting the materials into position. However, in general terms, the installation of push back racking is considered to be relatively straightforward compared to many other storage systems. This results in less interruption to your daily schedule and means the new system can be in place without negatively impacting the business in the short term.

  1. Lower costs

With less floor space being used up to store more items, the business will enjoy more benefits on its bottom line. Less expenditure is required for repairs and maintenance and heavy duty rollers are also not needed. Combined with better performance and reliability, there should be a knock-on effect that tangibly lowers operational costs.

  1. Easy integration

Installing push back racking into your facility doesnโ€™t mean you have to replace all the existing systems you have in place. The adaptability of the system means they can easily co-exist with other styles, which gives you more control over how quickly you introduce them into your processes. You can scale up to suit your requirements, without losing efficiency and impacting on your current procedures.

  1. Better productivity

As pallets automatically reposition themselves within the lane when one is removed, it cuts down the amount of time spent in the picking area. The aim of every business is to constantly improve efficiency and the faster you can retrieve items from the storage area, the faster they can be packed and prepared for dispatch and received by the customer.

  1. Lower risk factor

Because staff members do not have to enter into storage channels to retrieve goods, the risk of accidents occurring is significantly lowered. That also has a positive effect on the bottom line and productivity. Fewer accidents means less time is taken off work, which sustains strong efficiency levels within the facility to maintain high standards for the end customer.