What does FIFO stand for?

2h team installing a FIFO first in first out dispatch system

There are three main strategies for warehouse management, FIFO, FEFO and LIFO. For those wondering what the abbreviations actually stand for, read on: What does FIFO stand for? FIFOย means “First in First Out”. Products stored first are to be retrieved first. FIFO, or First-In, First-Out, is an inventory management method where the oldest items in … Read more

FIFO first in first out dispatch systems

2h team installing a FIFO first in first out dispatch system

Do you need a FIFO or first in first out dispatch system for your warehouse? Here at 2h Storage we have provided a wide range of FIFO systems for cardboard boxes and cartons, plastic boxes and full and half pallets. These systems are bespoke and tailor-made using standard components making them cost effective and simple … Read more